E-scooter Safety Research Study
Welcome to our research project on e-scooter safety in Queensland!
At the Engage Research Lab, our research team is conducting a study on e-scooter safety in Queensland as part of a project at the University of the Sunshine Coast (Ethics Approval Number: S231844).
If you're 16 or older and have experience riding e-scooters in Queensland, we'd love to hear from you!
We invite you to complete a 15-minute online survey about riding e-scooters and you'll automatically be entered into a draw to win one of five $50 gift vouchers.
Your answers are anonymous. We require your email address if you would like the opportunity to win a $50 e-Gift card. Your email is stored securely and separately from your responses. We will run your anonymous answers through an automated system to check that you have fully completed the survey, and that the survey isn’t a duplicate or submitted by a bot.
Further information about the project is available here.
Please click here to start they survey
or use this QR code