Investigation of audio and visual feedback within VR for naturalistic locomotion with consumer-grade treadmills

This is a USC research project and is approved by USC Human Ethics (Ethics approval no: S181258).

If you choose to participate, you will wear a VR headsets whilst walk on a treadmill. You will also complete a questionnaire before and after the activity.

The activity will be in the Engage Research Lab, E1.31, Building E, USC Sippy Downs Campus, USC, and will take between 45 and 60 minutes.

Please note that your information is protected all the time and the data is not shared with anyone.

Participation requirements

This research is open to everyone, however the following conditions must be met:

  • You must be 18 years or older.

  • You will walk on a treadmill, hence, you should be physically fit and not have any diagnosed underlying condition which may be affected by walking on a treadmill.

  • You must NOT be diagnosed with epilepsy

  • You must NOT be on any prescribed medication (excluding the contraceptive pill) that list dizziness, light-headedness, nausea, hallucination, or confusion , as side effects.

Please read the Research Project Information Sheet for more information.

To book a time, click here!